
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Alice's Baptism

Sorry for the infrequency of my blog posts lately. I have been struggling with some postpartum anxiety, which deserves its own post - if I ever get around to it. I have been having a difficult time updating this blog because I do not want to create the illusion that everything is perfect in my life when that could not be further from the truth. Not that my life is perfect EVER. But, you know what I mean.

Today, we celebrated a very happy occasion - Miss Alice Pearl's baptism. Here are some photos: (I apologize for the poor lighting.)

Alice wore my old baptism gown, just like her big sister Lucy before her. Lucy wore, of course, one of her princess dresses.

Alice was wonderful. She had the hiccups the entire time, which was super adorable. She did not cry even once, though M and I both teared up. Baptism is such a beautiful sacrament. I believe Madeleine L'Engle says it so well:

I am glad that in the communion of my church we are baptized as infants, because this emphasizes that the gift of death to this world and birth into the Kingdom of God is, in fact, gift—it is nothing we have earned, or even, as infants, chosen. It is God’s freely bestowed love. It is as radical as that, and it is gift. Through no virtue of our own we are made dead to the old and alive in the new. 


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