
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Phenology Wheels

The weather has been so cold and rainy the past couple of days, so we have been stuck indoors a lot. Today, we decided to make Phenology Wheels, which are basically Nature Study calendars. They are very pretty to look at when they are finished, and they are also quite useful for reference. I am no artist, but we had fun making them anyway!

Lucy accidentally recorded May and June instead of January and February, but it's an easy fix. I think her cardinal is quite good!

Learning along with Lucy is more fun than teaching her. 

We can't wait to see what our phenology wheels look like when they are finished!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Swim Lessons

This spring, we have enrolled the girls in swim lessons at the Y. Lucy already knows how to swim, but it is nice for her to have a refresher. As for Alice, this is her first time learning to swim on her own. The first lesson was yesterday evening, and both girls did such a great job! I was especially proud of Alice. I could tell she was not sure about it at first, but she was very brave and willing to give it a try...

Hopefully, Alice will be swimming like a little fish by summertime!