
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Alice's 6th Birthday

So, let's address the elephant in the room. I haven't updated this blog in a long while. Alice's birthday was back in July, and it is now... September. Oh, well. Better luck next year!

Over the summer, our sweet Alice turned 6 (which I still can't believe)! This year, Alice's birthday celebration lasted for several weeks, starting with her birthday party...

Alice with her balloons!

For her birthday this year, Alice wanted a mermaid pool party with her friends...

Yes, those adorable sunglasses were the party favors!

The pool party was a blast, and Alice got to show off her new swimming skills!

Alice's real birthday started off with sprinkle pancakes...

Sweet sisters!

Alice's birthday request was to have a girls' spa day...


That evening, our family came over for more celebrating. Alice requested ice cream sundaes instead of cake, and that's just what she got!

Alice, you are so easy to celebrate! You are sweet, fun, cuddly, and creative. You love your family and friends, and you are beloved by everyone. You are a peacemaker with the most tender heart. It is such a gift to be your mama and to watch you grow. Happy birthday, sweet Alice Pearl. You are my treasure. 

An interview with Alice at age 6:

What job do you want to have when you grow up? I want to be an artist.
What is your favorite book? I haven't found out because I haven't read all the books yet.
What is your favorite movie? Hercules. The Rescuers.
What is your favorite food? So far, it's grilled cheese.
What are your favorite things to do? I like to play checkers, and I like to do art. I also like to ride bikes. 
Who is someone famous you would like to meet? Lin-Manuel Miranda
Who are your best friends? Faeren, Charlotte, and Ollie
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip
What are you scared of? Monsters with giant jaws and furry hands
What is something that you wish? That I had long hair
What would your perfect day be like? My birthday, going to Disney World and the beach all in the same day. 
What are you interested in right now? Geography and Art
What do you like most about yourself? That I'm funny and kind.

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