
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Life in the Time of Coronavirus

Since my last post, our county and later our state issued shelter-in-place mandates. Morgan has been working mostly from home, and I have continued to home-educate Lucy and Alice. As I mentioned before, not a lot has changed for our family. We are very fortunate. I know this is not the case for many families, and it has been absolutely heartbreaking to read the news and see the devastation this virus has caused. We hope and pray that the end is in sight.

Until then, we are embracing our new "normal"...

Church on TV... Morgan and the rest of our church staff have been working super hard to record worship services for us to enjoy in our homes. It is not the same gathering in person, but it is certainly refreshing to my soul in these weary times.

We have been spending as much time as possible outside to keep from getting cabin fever. This means lots of picnics and bike rides and after-dinner walks around our neighborhood.

The girls' teachers and coaches have been so incredible, recording lessons for them to be able to practice at home.

We have celebrated some special days together as a family. Morgan turned 32, and it was definitely his strangest birthday to-date. Instead of a big party, it was just the five of us. I still made him his favorite chocolate torte though, so don't feel too sorry for him.

April Fools! For April Fool's Day this year, the girls' lunches had eyes.

Esme has her first pigtails. Be still my heart!

Don't be fooled by this highlight reel - it's not always picnics and smiles over here. There have been a lot of tears (mostly mine) and tantrums (also mostly mine). But we are all healthy and safe, and we are together. I'm so thankful for that. 

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