
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Baby Makes Three...

We feel so blessed by all the love and support we received after making our big announcement. It means the world to us to finally be able to share this with you. Now that the word is out, we thought we'd share more details. Like how we found out that our family of two is about to become a family of three...

Ever since M and I got married, we have talked about one day having children. We have always known that it would happen at just the right time, but I don't think either of us expected the "right time" to come so soon. That being said, when the baby arrives, we will have been married for three years, and we'll both be 25. I've always thought 25 was a good age to start a family. I just expected to feel older when I got there! 

This past summer was a whirlwind. We were traveling constantly and so busy that I almost didn't even notice when my period was late. On a whim, we bought a pregnancy test. We were both shocked when it was positive. So, I took another one. And then another one. All positives. 

After visiting my doctor, and confirming that all those positive pregnancy tests meant something, it was time to celebrate. Remember this date? It was actually a celebratory dinner. We went to our favorite restaurant and ordered our favorite dishes: fried chicken with waffles and scrumptious mac'n'cheese. Obviously, this was before the nausea set in.

So much has happened since that first positive pregnancy test. After seeing our baby and hearing the heartbeat, everything feels much more real. M has been awesome through this whole process. He gets major points for making special trips to the store to satisfy my weird cravings, giving up foods that he likes because I suddenly find them disgusting, and not complaining when he has to do the dishes or take out the trash because I can't stand the smell of old food. What a champ. 

The baby's due date is April 24, 2013. It feels far away now, but I have a feeling the time will fly :)

P.S. Adorable animals photographs by Sharon Montrose

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