My husband comes home today! I am so excited to see him. It has been a long, hard week, made longer and harder by the fact that I don't have Morgan around to talk to. I think husbands are great like that. They are always around to listen. Even if what you are saying is silly and ridiculous.
I got to talk to him last night, briefly. I went over to my friend Heather's house. Her husband, Jon, is leading the backpacking trip, and he communicates with her every night via satellite phone. Last night, he passed the phone off to Morgan, and I was able to ask how he was doing, how the trip was going, etc. We had a bad signal, but I got the feeling it's been a hard week for him, too. I am excited to hear about it in more detail. He will get home today around two o'clock. I don't think the time could pass quickly enough!
This backpacking trip was our last trip of the summer. I have to say I am glad for that. I am looking forward to things settling back into their usual rhythm. And, we have some exciting guests coming into town, first my
best friend and then my
brother! I seriously can't wait.