For New Year's, we went to Tybee Island with Morgan's family...
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Goodbye, 2020... Hello, 2021!
Merry Christmas!
Christmas feels like an eternity ago, but I wanted to share some pictures and sweet memories...
Frosty wind made moan;
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter
Long ago.
Our God, heaven cannot hold Him
Nor earth sustain,
Heaven and earth shall flee away
When He comes to reign:
In the bleak mid-winter
A stable-place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty —
Jesus Christ.
Enough for Him, whom cherubim
Worship night and day,
A breastful of milk
And a mangerful of hay;
Enough for Him, whom Angels
Fall down before,
The ox and ass and camel
Which adore.
Angels and Archangels
May have gathered there,
Cherubim and seraphim
Thronged the air;
But only His Mother
In her maiden bliss
Worshipped the Beloved
With a kiss.
What can I give Him,
Poor as I am? —
If I were a Shepherd
I would bring a lamb;
If I were a Wise Man
I would do my part, —
Yet what I can I give Him, —
Give my heart.
Disney World 2020 - Part 5
On Friday, we were headed back to the Magic Kingdom for our last day in the parks. Since we had already been to Magic Kingdom earlier in the week, this day was more lowkey and relaxed...
Every so often, Tinker Bell flew around the room and bumped into things, making pictures on the walls go crooked or drawers open and close. It was a really cool detail, and my kids were completely enchanted.
By this time, she was sleepy!
The older girls went with Morgan and his cousins to ride Thunder Mountain again. The ride actually broke down and they were stuck at the top of the mountain and had to be evacuated from the ride. The girls (and Morgan) thought this was pretty cool, as they got a little behind-the-scenes look at the attraction. It was an eventful way to end our trip!
The next morning, we had breakfast at our resort food court (scrambled eggs and Mickey waffles!) before loading in the car and heading home. We were all pretty exhausted but still coming down off the high of an unbelievably fun trip. We already can't wait to go back to Disney World!
Some notes for next time...
Things I Would Do Differently: We packed SO MUCH into four and a half park days. The kids were troopers, and somehow managed to go park open to park close with no naps (except for Esme, who napped in the stroller). Due to the pandemic, park hours were shortened, so it did not make sense for us to go back to the resort every day for a midday break. We decided that next time, we will plan a slightly longer trip, so that we can take a day off from the parks and just relax at the resort.
Also, sit-down restaurants with little kids is not really worth the time/money investment, with the exception of character meals. Our dinner at Be Our Guest and our character lunch at Hollywood and Vine were big hits with the kids, but for future trips, we might stick mostly to quick-service meals until the kids are older.
Things I Would Do Again: Mid-November was a great time to go to Disney World. The weather was sunny and even a little cool! The Christmas decorations were already up in all of the parks, which added so much charm. I would definitely plan another trip for this time of year.
Another thing we did that worked really well was getting two, connecting hotel rooms. Hotel rooms at Disney World (especially the value resorts) are small, unless you spring for a suite or a villa. Getting two. connecting rooms gave us plenty of space, and we didn't blow our budget.
Going to Disney World during a pandemic, we had no idea what to expect! Overall, I was really impressed by all of the safety measures that Disney implemented, and we felt very safe the entire time. Our whole family got tested when we got back home, and we were all Covid-free. I am so glad we went through with the trip, and even though it was not the trip we originally planned, it was so much better than we expected in many ways!
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Disney World 2020 - Part 4
On Thursday morning, we woke up very early and very excited for our day in Hollywood Studios. We needed to get our boarding pass for the new and uber-popular Star Wars attraction, Rise of the Resistance. I was nervous about this because I had heard that it can be difficult to secure a boarding pass for this ride. At 6:59 a.m., Morgan and I pulled up the Disney World app on our phones (the kids were still fast asleep), so we could hit the "refresh" button at 7 a.m. on the dot. Somehow - thankfully! - we managed to book a boarding group for about midday, which meant that our chances of getting to ride RotR were pretty good. Morgan is a huge Star Wars nerd, so getting to ride this attraction was at the tip top of his list.
With a boarding group for Rise of the Resistance secured, we woke our snoozing kids and got ready to catch the sky buckets from our resort to Hollywood Studios! I will say that the sky bucket lines for Hollywood Studios were LONG...
Lucy and Alice liked it as well, although I think Alice thought it was a little scary. But she still went back for a second ride!
After Tower of Terror, Morgan took the girls on Star Tours. I was not eager to ride another simulator attraction, so I kept Esme company outside. While we were waiting, enjoying a churro, a mini parade of Pixar characters walked and / or drove by. We spotted Woody, Buzz, and Jessie from Toy Story, along with the green army men, Mr. and Mrs. Incredible, and Edna Mode. It was super cute, and Esme loved it.
Trying to get a picture of my kids is near impossible.
Here we are, doing our best.