Eating finger foods and laughing at big sister, Alice.
She loves her "baba" (Daddy).
- The big news is that Esme is officially mobile! She crawls all over the place and loves to splash in the dog's water bowl. Of course.
- She claps her hands when someone says, "Yay!"
- Her favorite song / thing is "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider".
- Her favorite foods are: watermelon (still), blueberries, strawberries, and everything.
- She still only has two teeth (bottom), but one of her top teeth is starting to appear.
- Her personality is starting to come out more. She is very sweet and cuddly, but also feisty and independent.
- Her nicknames are Ez, Ezzie, and Ezzie May.
We love you, sweet Ezzie May! It's so much fun to watch you grow!