So lately, around 4 in the afternoon, I will brew some herbal tea (with milk and honey for Lucy, mostly all milk for Alice) and get out my fancy tea cups. We usually also have a special snack of some sort (Aldi usually has random European cookies or pastries on sale), and I read aloud from a chapter book.
Lately, we've been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.
Lucy LOVES it.
What started out as a way to make it through the afternoon without going comatose has become one of the best parts of our day. I wish I could take credit for this idea, but I stole it from some of my fellow (read: more experienced) home school moms. Many of them have older kids, and they use afternoon Tea Time as an opportunity for their kids to get their Keeping work done. Obviously, my girls are too young for Keeping notebooks (they have Nature Journals, but they usually make their entry during "school" hours), but I thought afternoon tea would be the perfect opportunity to read some of these beautiful chapter books. For months, I have been trying to read aloud to the girls in the evenings before bed, but evenings are so busy for us that we have not been consistent with this habit. I'm so happy to have found another time of day in which to incorporate this wonderful part of the Feast.
And, yummy treats are a welcome bonus! :)