
Monday, August 20, 2018

Homeschooling Update

We have just begun our second week of homeschooling, so I wanted to share a little update on how things are going. Last week was very much about getting used to the new rhythm, and some things proved to be more challenging than expected. For one thing, the weather in Georgia has been extremely hot, and the mosquitoes have been even worse. This made spending time outdoors a bit of a challenge. We had to forego our forest exploration and head to our local park instead, where the mosquitoes were not quite so bad. Thankfully, today was cool and overcast, so we were able to take our first Nature Walk.

Lately, we have noticed these large web-like nests in the branches of our neighborhood trees. Today, we were finally able to get a closer look and learned that they are made by web worms, a type of caterpillar that builds its nest in late summer / early fall. Eventually, the web worms will emerge as a type of moth.

A close-up look at the web worm nests... I actually think they are kind of amazing.

Lucy has also been working on her reading. This is something that she initiated, and she has made some amazing progress. Last week, we started with reading the Mother Goose rhyme "I see the moon, and the moon sees me..." 

Today, Lucy was able to read the words even when they were out of order and all mixed up. She even put them back in the correct order. 

This month, we are reading books about the calendar, learning the seasons, holidays, days of the week, and months of the year. My favorite book that we read last week was Seasons by Blexbolex. 

The illustrations are really beautiful and simple, and many of the words are easy enough for Lucy to read herself. Highly recommend! 

Week 2, here we go!

27 Weeks

I'm about to enter my third trimester, and so far, I have taken one photo of myself this pregnancy. I guess it has been a busy summer!

Here is my bump, all dressed up to go to a wedding!

Things I want to remember about this pregnancy:

- Symptoms: Exhaustion and nausea tsunami waves in the first trimester; extreme hunger and occasional dizziness in the second trimester. Also, occasionally my ears get stopped up for no reason, like I'm riding on an airplane. I've heard your mucous membranes swell during pregnancy, so maybe it has to do with that?

- Cravings: Peanut butter and jelly

- Baby: Like I mentioned before, we are not going to find out the baby's sex until he or she is born. So I don't know very much about this little one, other than what the ultrasound image tells me. I think he (or she) looks a lot like Lucy. Their little profiles are very similar (see below). It will be fun to see if this baby is also born with a head full of black hair!

Look at those little lips and that chin!

We can't wait to meet you, little one!