I managed to snap a few photos of the girls Christmas morning. Lucy woke us up at dawn, but M made coffee before the present-opening chaos. I love that man.
The rest of the day was spent playing with / setting up toys, with phone calls to family and me cooking dinner in between. For Christmas dinner, we had a lot of yummy, artery-clogging foods. I made beef tenderloin with mustard cream sauce. It was a major crowd-pleaser.
Checking out the stocking loot...
Lucy was kind enough to assist Alice with her stocking.
Alice appreciated it so much.
Our fake tree, which has been a source of much contention. M made me promise that we will have a real tree next year, and every year for the rest of forever.
After stockings, we unwrapped presents. Lucy's still not quite old enough to unwrap presents by herself, and she wanted to play with each present as we unwrapped it. So, as you can imagine, it took us quite awhile to get through them all. About an hour into the unwrapping, Alice decided she needed a nap.
When we finished with presents, we had our breakfast of gooey cinnamon rolls. By this time, snow had begun falling softly outside, which was a welcome surprise. I love snow on Christmas morning.
Sadie and Alice were devastated to discover they were not allowed to eat any.
For dessert, I made my Grandmere's traditional Buche de Noel. Not the prettiest cake ever, and I did not have time for the ever-popular meringue mushrooms. But, hey, it tasted great, which is all that matters, right?
Merry Christmas!