
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

Since Lucy is still too young to go trick-or-treating, we decided on a fun alternative this year. This morning, we went to Boo at the Zoo, which is basically just like going to the zoo any other day, only everyone was wearing costumes, and there were booths of zoo employees passing out candy (or animal crackers for toddler-aged children). We prepared ourselves for the worst (crowds, tantrums, etc.), but it actually ended up being really fun.

Fairy Princess Lucy

Pumpkin Alice... She slept through the whole thing.

Lucy's favorite part of the zoo, riding the merry-go-round.

She did not know it, but she was really collecting treats for Mom and Dad.

After naps, we carved our pumpkin...

Weird fact: Lucy is afraid of pumpkins. I think she saw the slimy pumpkin innards, and something about that just did not sit right with her. She refused to participate in the carving of the jack-o-lantern.

Our jack-o-lantern, about as non-scary as it gets. Lucy will not go near it.

This pumpkin is much cuter. 
And, in true Alice fashion, she slept through the whole pumpkin-carving episode.

Some friends came over for dinner. We had home-made pizzas and hot cocoa. We even got a few trick-or-treaters, who were not scared away by our dogs, thank goodness. We watched The Great Pumpkin with Lucy, and now we are going to call it a night. 

I'm sure the squirrels will enjoy devouring our poor jack-o-lantern tonight. Happy Halloween!


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Three Months

Alice is three months old!

As you can see from the pictures, Alice has gotten very animated. So far, her personality is really sweet and fun. She smiles a lot, and she loves to snuggle. She has started to grab on to things and recognize faces. She has also discovered her hands, which she thinks are pretty fascinating. 

At three months, Alice likes:
- her play mat
- her blankie
- her big sister
- her hands
- cuddling
- talking... she is a little chatter box!

She does not like:
- dirty diapers
- being ignored... uh, hello, pay attention to me!!!

We love our little Alice Pearl!

The Mountain Train

This past week, while M and I (and baby Alice) were at a conference, M's dad came to stay with Lucy. He took her to the children's museum and the aquarium, and I think she was a little disappointed when we came home.

Before Papa Bear left, we decided to ride the train all the way up to the top of Pike's Peak, which is just over 14,000 feet high. We have lived in Colorado almost six years, and we've never done this.

The Train

The view from the top.

The family.

It was pretty cold at the top. There was already a good bit of snow up there. We were all feeling a little light-headed because of the altitude. But the views were incredible. 

We are so glad Papa Bear could come to Colorado for a visit. Miss you already!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend, we went to the Pumpkin Patch to pick some pumpkins...

The girls and I... We could not get Lucy to look at the camera because the sun was so bright.

On the hay ride...

She got one.

Headed home with our pumpkins.

Happy Fall :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Two-Month Doctor Visit

Today, we had Alice's two-month check-up...

In case you can't tell from the pictures, little Alice has grown. She now weighs 10 lbs. and 6 oz. Just to give you an idea, Lucy weighed 10 lbs. and 5 oz. at her two-month check-up, and Lucy weighed a whole pound more at birth. So, yeah, Alice is definitely caught-up! She is also 22 inches long. 

We also weighed Lucy while we were there (why not?), and she now weighs 25 lbs. During Alice's appointment, Lucy wore latex gloves and "assisted" the nurses. I wish I had gotten pictures. We think Lucy would make a great pediatrician one day.