Fairy Princess Lucy
Pumpkin Alice... She slept through the whole thing.
Lucy's favorite part of the zoo, riding the merry-go-round.
She did not know it, but she was really collecting treats for Mom and Dad.
After naps, we carved our pumpkin...
Weird fact: Lucy is afraid of pumpkins. I think she saw the slimy pumpkin innards, and something about that just did not sit right with her. She refused to participate in the carving of the jack-o-lantern.
Our jack-o-lantern, about as non-scary as it gets. Lucy will not go near it.
This pumpkin is much cuter.
And, in true Alice fashion, she slept through the whole pumpkin-carving episode.
Some friends came over for dinner. We had home-made pizzas and hot cocoa. We even got a few trick-or-treaters, who were not scared away by our dogs, thank goodness. We watched The Great Pumpkin with Lucy, and now we are going to call it a night.
I'm sure the squirrels will enjoy devouring our poor jack-o-lantern tonight. Happy Halloween!