
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blue or Pink?

As we wait to find out the sex of our baby, I thought it might be fun to see what the old wives' tales have to say...

{Ultrasound at 8 weeks}

Ramzi Method: This one is really confusing (has to do with Baby's position in the uterus), but I believe the correct interpretation is: GIRL

Morning Sickness: My morning sickness has been pretty minimal, which points to: BOY

Heart-rate: Under 140 beats per minute apparently indicates a boy, while more than 140 beats per minute indicates a girl. Baby measured 150 beats per minute at my last appointment, which means: GIRL

Bulge: According to one old wives' tale, if you are bulging from the hips and back (sort of an all-over bulginess), this indicates girl. If you are mostly bulging out front, this indicates boy. I am definitely bulging to the front, so: BOY

Stealing Mom's Beauty: Apparently, little girls "steal" their mother's beauty, causing their skin to break out. This time around, not a pimple in sight, which indicates that I must be having a: BOY

Cravings: Women who crave salty or savory foods are supposedly expecting a boy, while women who crave sweets or fruit must be expecting a girl. This pregnancy, I fall somewhere in the middle. I have definitely been craving fruit, but I have also been craving salty / savory things like peanut butter. The result: UNCLEAR

Chinese Calendar: According to the Chinese Calendar, I will be having a: BOY

Urine Test: Brightly-colored urine apparently indicates a boy, while dull-colored urine indicates a girl. This may be TMI, but the verdict says: GIRL

Penny Test: This one might have been invented by old, Southern wives. I have only heard of this when we lived in Georgia, and I always thought it was funny. Supposedly, you lick a penny and stick it to the wall. If it sticks, you're having a girl. If it falls off, you're having a boy. I tried this at a friend's house the other day, and the penny stuck to the wall the entire time I was visiting. Thus: GIRL

So there you have it. I am having a boy. Or a girl. Definitely one or the other :)

17 Weeks

As I am writing this, snow is falling outside my window. We have had lots and lots of snow this week. I am pretty much over the whole snow thing.

I am also 17 weeks along in my pregnancy. I totally forgot to take a 16 week photo. Oh well. Here's my 17-week bump...

I have finally busted out the belly band!

Baby is growing so fast, about the size of a pomegranate, 5 oz. and 5 inches long. I have already been feeling a lot of movement, like Baby is using my uterus as a trampoline. Pretty soon, we'll get to find out the baby's sex.

I tried to take a video of Lucy for your enjoyment, but she kept trying to steal my phone. I'll try to have more photos / videos of her soon!

Monday, February 16, 2015

15 Weeks

Tomorrow, I'll be sixteen weeks, so I'm getting my fifteen-week picture in down to the wire.

Baby is currently the size of an avocado, about four inches long. His (or her) facial features are developing, and his little heart is already pumping blood. So far, I have been feeling great. This pregnancy has been way easier than my pregnancy with Lucy. Not that my pregnancy with Lucy was difficult. I just have a lot more energy this time around, and I haven't had any back pain or heartburn yet. Shoot, I probably just jinxed myself :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

14 Weeks

I'm almost out of my fourteenth week of pregnancy, which means that I am officially into my second trimester. This past week, I tried to take a picture of my {tiny} bump...

Yes, that is Lucy wearing big girl panties! And moccasins. And her pajama top. Girl is stylin'.

Not sure what Miss Fashionista is doing in this photo...

There it is. Still looks a bit like a food baby. I haven't busted out my belly band yet!

Baby is currently the size of a lemon, about 3 inches long and 1.5 oz. He (or she) can already make different facial expressions and even suck his thumb! I think I have already felt the baby moving, but it's still so early... It might have just been gas bubbles :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Playing Dress-up

One of Lucy's favorite things to do is play dress-up...

It is very hard to get Lucy to sit / stand still for photos these days. She is always on the move. The only reason she is sitting still in these photos is because (unbeknownst to me) she was going tee-tee on the floor.

Obviously, we are still working on potty training. I will post about our progress with that another time. :)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Some Exciting News!

Many of you already know, but I am excited to announce...

... we are having a baby! Lucy is going to have a little sister or brother! Obviously, we are all over-the-moon excited. Baby Angert is due August 5th!

This week, as I enter into my second trimester of pregnancy, I am happy to report that I am feeling pretty great. I was feeling nauseous and tired early on (while we were in Georgia for the holidays), but now my energy and appetite are back. My symptoms with this pregnancy have been a little different from my pregnancy with Lucy:

- Cravings: Tomatoes!!! I cannot eat enough tomatoes.
- Aversions: Thai food... Used to be my favorite, but now it makes me want to gag.
- Occasional headaches
- Insane Hunger: I am always hungry. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night starving, and I can't sleep until I eat a bowl of cereal or a granola bar. I did not have this symptom with Lucy, and I'm afraid this baby is going to weigh ten pounds at birth! 

We have been talking to Lucy about the new baby, trying to prepare her for a little sibling. So far, she doesn't seem to understand what's coming. Occasionally, she will point to my belly and say, "Baby!", but she seems otherwise oblivious. I am excited to see her as big sister. She is very loving and nurturing, and she is already a good mommy to her baby dolls. I'm sure it will be a huge change for all of us though, going from a family of three to a family of four!

Today, I had a doctor's appointment, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It's my favorite sound in all the world. We are thankful that Baby is healthy and growing, and we would love your prayers for his or her continued health. We are excited to be able to share this news with all of you!
