
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lucy's One-Year Doctor Visit

For Lucy's birthday yesterday, we celebrated with pancakes and presents. We kept it pretty low-key because we will be having a party on Saturday with Lucy's friends. Today, the festivities included a doctor visit and some shots :(

Our Lucy girl is growing, though she is actually smaller than I would have guessed. She weighs 16 pounds and 14 oz. She is 27.75 inches tall. And I don't remember her head circumference, but the doctor confirmed our belief that her intellect is off the charts in the 1000th percentile. Ha. 

At 1 year...
- Lucy sleeps through the night. She goes to bed around 8 p.m. and wakes up around 7 a.m. Her parents are very happy about it. 
- Lucy is continuing to try all sorts of new foods. Her current favorites are blackberries, blueberries, and - can you believe it? - bananas. 
- Lucy has six teeth now - 4 on the bottom and 2 on top. She has the sweetest gap between her top front teeth. I will try to get a picture soon.
- She is still not walking, but she is gaining more confidence. She needs to work on her balance. I'm afraid she inherited her mother's lack of coordination!
- She is starting to understand how things work and develop memory. She is also starting to associate words with actions / things. 
- Her favorite new trick is blowing kisses. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. 

I am so thankful that Lucy is continuing to grow into a strong, healthy little girl. She seems more like a toddler to me now than a baby. We may have even experienced our first few genuine temper tantrum melt-downs. She definitely has an opinion about everything, and she is not afraid to express her thoughts on the following:
- The contents of her high chair tray ("You only gave me one piece of cheese, and I need at least ten pieces!!!"
- The sharp / potentially-dangerous object that has been taken away from her ("I NEEDED that!!!")
- The sleep sack ("WHY!!!")
- Being still ("All I want is FREEDOM!")
- Getting dressed ("I. Just. Can't.")
- Our car keys / cell phones / sunglasses ("The best things ever!!!")
- Morning ("I'm just going to shout at the top of my lungs until they wake up.")
- Nap time ("Playtime!")

Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday, Lucy!

Today, my sweet Lucy girl is one! I can't believe it has been a year since we met. I feel like we've known one another forever. She has grown into such a bright, determined, independent, and adventurous little girl. 


{1 month}

{2 months}

{3 months}

{4 months}

{5 months}

{6 months}

{7 months}

{8 months}

{9 months}

{10 months}

{11 months}

{1 year!}

Happy Birthday Lucy!
It has been so much fun to watch you grow over the past year! You have changed our lives in so many ways. We are so thankful that God has given us the privilege of being your parents. We love you more than you will ever know!
Mama and Daddy

Letters to Lucy, Pt. 6

{Pregnant with Lucy, December 2012}

December 12, 2012

Hello Baby,

Last week, we had another ultrasound, and we learned that you’re a GIRL! We can’t believe it! I am so excited to have a little girl to hang out with! There are so many things I can’t wait to teach you, things my mom taught me...

... I already know that you will bring so much joy to your dad and me. I can’t help wondering what your personality will be like, if you’ll be fun and quirky and outgoing or shy and thoughtful. It makes my heart sing to know that our Heavenly Father already knows exactly who you are and who you are going to become. He knows every hair on your tiny head. Isn’t that amazing? He loves you more than you could ever imagine. And so do your daddy and I.

We are over halfway there. While we try to wait patiently for you to arrive, we are going to celebrate Christmas with your grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, and aunts. It’s amazing to think that next Christmas, you will be celebrating with us!

With love,
Your Mama

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Letters to Lucy, Pt. 5

{Lucy as Lord Voldemort}

October 10, 2012

Dear Baby,

Today, we saw your picture and heard your little heart beat for the first time. It truly was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced! You were jumping up and down in my tummy! We have our first pictures of you, and you are just as cute as you can be! I am so happy that God has blessed us with you -- what an amazing gift!

The doctor says that everything looks great! Your heart beats 162 beats per minute - that’s so fast! It sounds like tiny hummingbird wings. In your pictures, I think you already look like your dad, but we will be able to tell more in the next ultrasound, which is 2 months away.

I praise God for blessing us with your life, and I pray that He will continue to grow you big and strong and healthy. Keep bouncing around in there, as much as you like!


Your Mama

Letters to Lucy, Pt. 4

{Lucy, home from the hospital}

September 27, 2012

Hi Baby,

I am ten weeks as of yesterday, and you are the size of a prune! Pretty remarkable!

Lately, I have had what is commonly referred to as “pregnancy brain”. I am forgetful and distracted. I don’t finish sentences. Just a moment ago, I turned on the stove to boil some water, only to realize that I had turned on the wrong burner. Oops.

I am excited to hopefully see a picture of you in just two weeks! We may even be able to hear your little heart beat.

We have not told our families about you yet, but I know they will be so excited when we do. It will be so much fun to share our joy with our families.


Your Mama

Friday, April 25, 2014

Letters to Lucy, Pt. 3

{Lucy, the first time we met}

September 6, 2012

Hello Baby,

Today, I am seven weeks pregnant. I am starting to feel sleepy all the time, and I'm noticing that my jeans are getting a little tighter around the waist!

Random craving this week: root beer. I never drink root beer. I never even think about drinking it. But lately, it’s all I’ve been wanting. I bought some at the grocery store yesterday, much to your dad’s delight.

Random aversion this week: pasta. Pasta is usually one of my favorite foods. But lately, the thought of eating pasta makes me feel sick to my stomach. The texture of the noodles make me think of slimy worms. Isn't that gross?

Pregnancy is a funny thing. It is a wild new adventure for us. And to think that all of this crazy stuff is bringing us closer to meeting you!


Your Mama

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Letters to Lucy, Pt. 2

{This melts my heart.}

August 30, 2012

Hi, Baby

It is still so hard to believe you’re really in there. I was six weeks yesterday, but so far, my symptoms haven’t picked up.

The book I am reading says that you are about the size of a blueberry. It’s crazy to think how fast you are growing. I am amazed at the way God created our bodies, how He is really knitting you together inside of me, even as I am writing this.

I am almost halfway through the first trimester. It is very hard not to be able to tell people that you are coming. Especially your grandparents! They will be so excited! Almost as excited as your dad and I.

I am praying that you will continue to grow strong and healthy in my tummy. I can’t wait to meet you, Little One, but we both have a long way to go till then!


Your Mama

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Letters to Lucy

As Lucy's first birthday approaches, I am feeling very nostalgic for those first few days of her life. They were magical in a way that cannot be explained. I had waited so long to meet her, and finally, I was able to hold her in my arms, to see her bright, little eyes peering up at me, so completely aware and content.

Of course, I am so thankful that she is growing into a happy, healthy little girl. It's just fun to remember the anticipation I felt, waiting for her to arrive. While I was pregnant, I wrote Lucy letters. I didn't know then that the letters were for her, but I'm so glad that I can share them with her one day. I've decided to post excerpts from these letters, starting now and until April 28, when our Lucy girl will be one! Hopefully, one day she will read these and know the love I felt for her as I wrote them.

{Lucy Jane Angert, a few days old}

August 27, 2012

Hello, Baby

Right now, as I write this, I can’t even feel you in my tummy. You are still too little for that. Instead, I feel other things... Little cramps and headaches, even a little bit of nausea. But don’t worry. Every little ache and pain is well worth it. I am even happy to be experiencing these little symptoms because it means that you are there, growing inside me.

It’s still so new that, sometimes, I forget. Sometimes, I have trouble believing that you’re even there and I worry that it’s not real. But it is real. I am going to the doctor tomorrow, and they will tell me more about my journey to meeting you.

Apparently, I will be six weeks along in two days. That seems like a long time, probably because you have only been around almost four weeks. I don’t know anything about you yet - whether you are a boy or a girl, whether you will be a really active baby or a really quiet one - but I know that God knows who you are. He already loves you and has a plan for your life. I am excited to see you become the person that God has destined you to be, and I feel so honored that He would give me the privilege of being your mom, of nurturing you and teaching you and enjoying you...

... We looked up your “Due Date” today, for fun. It’s just an estimate - only God knows for sure when you will get here. But the date is April 24, 2013. It seems like such a long time from now, but I know that so much has to happen before then. Your dad and I have to prepare for your arrival. We have so much learning to do before you come along! Your dad doesn’t even know how to change a diaper! The Lord has to prepare our hearts to welcome you into our family. It’s been just the two of us for almost three years now... It will be a big adjustment to have a baby in our lives. But we are so excited! We wouldn’t change it for the world. And you have lots of growing to do as well. You have to grow strong and healthy.

Even though we don’t know you yet, we pray for you every day. I am so excited to meet you, Baby. Soon, we’ll know your real name, but for now, we’ll just have to call you “Baby”.


Your Mama

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter from the ER

Well, we had a very eventful Easter this year. Just not in the way we expected. Saturday night, I started to experience sharp pains in my lower abdomen. I thought it was just gas or something, but the pain persisted late into the night and got worse, until it felt like a knife in my stomach. I started to feel faint, like I might black out, and that's when we decided it was time to go to the ER.

M rushed next door to our neighbor's house and woke her up, so that she could watch Lucy while he rushed me to the hospital. The last time I was at the hospital was when Lucy was born. This time was not so enjoyable. However, they did pump me full of morphine, which was kind of them.

{In the ER... After the morphine kicked in.}

They did several different tests, and the best they can come up with is that I have some sort of infection. It was a very busy night in the ER, apparently... lots of interesting characters. I remembered as I was lying there, that in addition to being Easter, it was also 4-20, or National Marijuana Day. Not a fun time to be at the hospital. The doctors and nurses were understandably stressed out, and I was reminded that they have the most difficult jobs ever. 

I am home now, taking pain meds and antibiotics. Hopefully, this infection will clear up soon, and I can get on with normal life. The medicine makes me sleepy all the time, which is not conducive to caring for an-almost-one-year-old. Thankfully, M is here to take care of both of us. I have the world's most amazing, selfless husband. 

In all the craziness, we missed celebrating Easter. But, while I was in the hospital, I had plenty of time to think and pray and reflect on the hope we can have because of the Resurrection. In the midst of life's mundane trials and even in its most terrible tragedies, we have the hope and assurance that one day sorrow and pain will be no more. Happy Easter! 

 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 
1 Corinthians 15:55

Monday, April 14, 2014

Diaper Rash Woes

Hello there. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. We enjoyed some beautifully warm temperatures (finally in the 70's) until yesterday, when it SNOWED. Fortunately, the sun is out again today, and hopefully this snow will be gone in no time. 

Yesterday morning, Lucy woke up with a horrible diaper rash. She has never had very bad rashes, and I feel like this one has appeared out of thin air. I read somewhere that a lot of acidity in the diet can cause ugly diaper rashes, and Lucy eats a lot of citrus. She is currently hanging out bare-bottomed, following a breakfast of non-acidic foods (bananas and cheerios).

I am hopeful that this rash will disappear soon. In the mean time, we have a naked baby on the loose!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

First Bike Ride

Yesterday, Lucy went on her first bike ride. We rode to the park near our house for a friend's birthday party. I promise she was more excited about it than she looks in these pictures. 

The weather in Fort Collins has been so lovely. Tomorrow, though, we are supposed to get more snow. Springtime in Colorado is such a tease. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lucy Walks... Sort of

Lucy has been taking some steps towards walking. Literally. 

Thank you, Grandiva and Papa Bear for her walker :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Lucy's Birthday Wishlist

I can't believe I am actually writing this post. My baby is about to turn 1! For her first birthday, I asked Lucy to come up with a wishlist, and she happily obliged. Here are her picks:

2. Books
3. Top

Day at the Farm

Over the weekend, we visited a little local farm. Lucy was not sure what to think of all the animals...

Animal babies were everywhere. I guess spring is really on the way :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Visit with Grandiva and Papa Bear

This past week, we had a wonderful visit with M's parents. They came all the way from Georgia to celebrate M and Lucy's birthdays...

Lucy tasted her first cupcake. She loved it! I thought she shouldn't have all of that icing, so I helped her eat it :) 

We had a wonderful time with Grandiva and Papa Bear, and we were very sad to see them leave today. I am already looking forward to the next time we're all together!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

M's Birthday

On Sunday, M turned 26! Here is what we did to celebrate...

Breakfast at the Waffle Lab food truck! Even though the weather was cold, it was worth it.

S'mores Waffle. Nom.

The Birthday Boy

And - because we needed more sugar and carbs after the waffles - birthday cake!

It was a very low-key birthday celebration this year since M had a paper due, as well as a sermon to write. Thankfully, M's parents are in town now, so we are enjoying some time with them. We are planning a little joint birthday celebration for M and Lucy while they are here. (Lucy will celebrate her actual birthday on April 28!!!) I think M is glad to draw the birthday festivities out as long as possible :)