
Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Mississippi Thanksgiving

This year, we were in Mississippi with my parents for Thanksgiving. Here's how we spent the holiday...

Lucy got to spend some quality time with her Lynnie.

Greenery for the table fresh-picked from the yard... I love the South.

The feast. 

On the menu this year...

Simon and Garfunkel Smoked Chicken*
Creamed potatoes
Sweet potato souffle
Cranberry chutney
Green beans
Fresh rolls
Corn bread and sausage dressing
Almond pumpkin pie
Bourbon pecan pie

*Seasoned with parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme

Today, we went to the zoo...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Christmas Card Shoot

A couple of weeks ago, our friend Libby took some beautiful photos of Lucy girl for our Christmas card. There are so many great pictures that it is almost impossible to pick just one. Here are some of my favorite photos from the shoot...

**Photo Credit Libby Newell Photography**

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Solids Update

Well, we can all relax. Lucy is, in fact, my daughter. She loves food. I am relieved. 

Over the past couple of weeks, we have introduced pear, sweet potato, and apple. She loves them all. She seems to prefer purees to bigger pieces, unless she is eating bread. Yes, we fed her bread. We gave her a baguette at Panera, and it was her favorite thing ever. Told you she's my daughter :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Our Blizzard-y Weekend

This past weekend, we were up in the mountains. It was beautiful. But then, there was a blizzard. And the power went out. And there was no heat. And we have an almost-seven-month-old baby...

{the beautiful sunrise... before the blizzard started}

I wish I could tell you that we chopped up the furniture into firewood and stayed warm and cozy together all weekend, just like the pioneers would have done. But that is not what happened. We stuck it out like brave soldiers, running on zero sleep, trying to make the best of it. But it was miserable. That's about as generous an adjective as I can use. 

{our "selfy", sitting in front of the fire}

Moving on, I am so excited to give you a little "preview" of Lucy's photo shoot with our friend, Libby. You should look at all the lovely work on her website, but especially her photos of our Lucy girl. I can't wait to show you more :) Thanks again, Libby!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Toy

Lucy is obsessed with cups. Since she can't be trusted with our coffee mugs or wine glasses, we got her some fun cups of her own while we were at Ikea yesterday. Obviously, these are a big hit!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The carrots are a hit! Turns out Lucy loves to eat them and wear them :) She finally seems to have gotten the hang of it. Hallelujah. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lucy and Solids, Try # 3

The lovely thing about being a first-time parent is that I have no clue what I'm doing. I'm thankful that Lucy can't walk yet... Otherwise, I think she would run for the hills :)

Introducing solids is more difficult than I expected. I probably didn't research enough, blah blah blah. Who has time to research? Here is our last failed attempt at trying to get Lucy to eat bananas...

On a whim, I bought a steamer yesterday and steamed some carrots for her to try. They are blander than bananas, and I thought she might like them better. Thankfully, she does seem to prefer the carrots. She has trouble swallowing, and I can tell she wants to gag instead. I don't know if this means she's still too young to introduce solids, or if we are supposed to persevere. I don't want to force her to eat solids if she isn't ready, but I also don't want to give up just because she's having a hard time.

Monday, November 4, 2013


On Saturday, I celebrated my 26th birthday. I still look forward to birthdays... I don't know when that stops. Hopefully never.

{My 6th birthday... 20 years ago... Yes, that's a Beauty and the Beast cake.}

Saturday morning, M cooked breakfast for me and then had to shut himself away to write a 20 page paper that is due today. I spent the rest of the morning with one of my dear friends, and then Lucy and I had a quiet afternoon. (She is doing better, by the way. Her fever is down, and she seems to be in a much better mood.)

Later that evening, I was washing dishes, and there was a knock at the door. It was one of our sweet students. M had arranged for her to come over and babysit Lucy, so that we could go out on a birthday date. When we got to the restaurant, a bunch of our friends were there, waiting to surprise me. It was very humbling to see such an outpouring of love from my friends and family, near and far. From the bottom of my heart, thank you :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween and 6 Months!

My plan was to have lots of cute pictures of Lucy in her pumpkin suit, trick-or-treating with our friends. Obviously, the trick-or-treating part did not happen. Yesterday afternoon, Lucy was running a fever and had a slight rash. We took her to the doctor, and he said that she most likely just caught a little bug. Poor little girl :( The good news is that she got out of her six-month immunizations for now.

At six months old, Lucy weighs 13.14 lbs. and is 26.5 inches tall. She is still below average for weight and above average for height. She is healthy, other than the little bug she caught. Praise God for such a healthy, happy little girl! 

Since Lucy was feeling under the weather, we decided not to go out. M carved our jack-o-lantern, and we got the house ready for the trick-or-treat'ers.

I think Lucy made a very adorable pumpkin. Just this mama's opinion... :)

M dressed up as a pirate. If ministry falls through, I think he has a back-up career all set... :)

Our finished jack-o-lantern

After Lucy went to bed, we had some pumpkin ale and a Scream marathon. We definitely bought way too much Halloween candy and will probably be eating it for the next five years. I am alright with that.