
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

One of Those Days

Today, all three of us piled in the car and headed for Denver. M had some meetings for school, and I was planning to meet up with one of my friends who lives there. On our way, and M's car broke down. We had to get a tow and then a rental car for the rest of the day, while our car was getting repaired. Our car is still in Denver, and M will have to go back again tomorrow to get it from the mechanic. Oh, and while we were stranded at a gas station, Lucy decided it would be a great time to have the most epic diaper blowout of all time. 

Now it is getting late, and Lucy has decided that she is not tired and does not want to go to bed. Of course :) So, instead, we're having a late-night photo sesh. 

On another note, our Lucy girl officially turned six months old this past Monday. How is this possible? I promise a special post tomorrow, with pictures of Lucy in her pumpkin suit :) She may hate me for this one day, but not for at least ten more years...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Lucy and Solids, Try #2

Our second attempt at feeding Lucy solid foods was slightly more successful. We put the dogs outside and put a few pieces of banana on her tray. Most of the banana ended up on the floor, but some of it actually made it into her mouth. I think she likes the taste; she kept reaching for more. She has a little trouble picking up the slippery pieces, though. I think she'll get better with more practice.

In case you're wondering why we're not just spoon-feeding her, we're trying out Baby-led Weaning. We're trying one food at a time, letting her get comfortable with the taste and texture with one food before moving on to something else. So far, we've just introduced bananas, but I think we'll try carrots or peas next :) We'll see how Lucy feels about veggies. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lucy and Solids, Try #1

Lucy is almost six months old! Lately, she has been expressing an interest in our food. She reaches for our spoons and forks when we're eating. She reaches for our cups when we are drinking. She can hold her bottle and drink out of it by herself. We think that maybe she is ready to try solid foods...

Last night, we gave her a little bit of mashed banana, just to see what she would do with it. She was more interested in playing in it and smearing it all over the place than she was in eating it. But someone else was interested in eating it...

We'll try again soon! We may have to leave our dogs outside...

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Mini Update on Life

This past weekend, we had our first snow. It was a very weak snow, and it melted as soon as the sun came out, but it was still The First Snow of the season. Conveniently, our thermostat is also broken :)

This is my favorite time of year. It also happens to be the busiest time. But we are hanging in there, and soon, M will have his first semester of seminary under his belt.

Did I mention that Lucy has a boyfriend? His name is Aaron. He is about two and a half months old, and he is the same size as Lucy (who will be 6 months old in a week!!!). Look how Lucy is playing it cool like she's not interested :) 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Busy Busy

Hello there. Hope you're all doing well. We've been quite busy around here. Especially Lucy.

She has a lot to say these days :) She's almost as talkative as me.

Sorry for the lack of posts. This time of year is always such a whirlwind. I promise an update soon!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lucy and the Pumpkin Patch

While Leanna was visiting, we decided to take a little trip to the pumpkin patch...

Happy Fall :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Leanna Comes to Visit

This past week, we had a visit from our dear friend, Leanna...

We had to take her back to the airport this morning, which made us all very sad. Especially Lucy. While she was here, Leanna washed my dishes and read Winnie the Pooh to Lucy. I miss her so much already!

Thank you for coming to see us, Leanna! We love you!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Lucy Rolls Over

Lately, Lucy has been showing off how she can roll over. She is extremely proud of herself...

Now if she could only figure out how to roll from her tummy to her back... She gets stuck on her tummy and then gets frustrated that she can't go anywhere :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

5 Months

This past Saturday marked 5 months with miss Lucy. Where has the time gone?

This little girl has such a fun personality. She is the life of the party, like her dad. She is affectionate and cuddly. But she also has a little sassy-ness. I wonder who she gets that from.

Can't believe I'll be doing a six month post next month. Eeeks.