We made it home from our travels in one piece! I still can't believe we drove all the way to Georgia from Colorado. We must be crazy.
Hope you all had a marvelous Thanksgiving holiday! We certainly did. We celebrated with our families in Atlanta. Lots of food was consumed. After a wonderful visit with M's family, we headed to Athens for my mom's birthday and
my brother's CD release. We also made a trip to the Christmas tree farm...
If you look closely, you can see a little baby bump... :)
My brother and M looking thrilled to be posing for my pictures...
We took our tree home in the old family truck... Does it look familiar? That's because it made an appearance at
our wedding.
Ta da! The finished product!
We had such a wonderful time with our families and friends! As much as we enjoyed our visit, it feels good to be back in Colorado. The first thing we did when we got home was to pick out our own Christmas tree and decorate our house for Christmas. I love the smell of pine needles every time I walk through the front door. Now if you will excuse me, I have some presents to wrap :)